April is National Occupational Therapy Month
Senior Care in Los Angeles CA
Occupational Therapist are vital vein to the healthcare profession and definitely hold a special place in LIVEWELL Private Care’s heart. They help clients meet their day-to-day care needs through specialized therapeutic use of everyday activities. With a comprehensive and personalized approach, occupational therapist and occupational therapist assistants (or OT’s and OTA’s) help children and adults with disabilities navigate through daily routines encouraging a sense of independence. OT care can range greatly from in school care, to post operative care, to recoveries from injuries, or helping seniors champion the joy of aging. This dedicated support is important to be acknowledged as many people, at one point or another, will or has crossed the path of an OT. Do not wait until you are in need. Celebrate them now. Happy National Occupational Therapy Month to all OT’s and OTA’s! Thank you for “Transforming Lives and Building Independence!”
Visit www.aota.org and follow @LIVEWELLCares for more information and ideas on how to celebrate.