Livewell Private Care

Physical Therapy for Seniors


Senior Care in Manhattan Beach CA

National Physical Therapy Month takes place in October and began as a way to recognize all the ways physical therapists and physical therapist assistants improve the lives of their patients. These Senior-Care-Manhattan-Beach-CAprofessionals provide relief from chronic pain and increase the movements by those people who have a limited range of motion. While people of all ages can benefit from the services provided by physical therapists, older adults are especially in need of these services. From Alzheimer’s disease to incontinence, these professionals have been providing relief in a variety of medical conditions that ail seniors receiving elder care. Physical therapists are also able to increase flexibility, strength, coordination, and endurance in older adults.

Medical Conditions Improved by Physical Therapy
The older we get, the more common chronic illnesses are. Fortunately, physical therapists have the tools to ease many elders who are getting in-home care from their painful, uncomfortable medical conditions. Here are some of the conditions that can be made better through therapeutic services.

By the age of 65, most seniors have arthritis in their spine, whether or not symptoms are evident. There are a wide variety of activities the physical therapist can do to improve their range of motion and ease any pain associated with the condition. Electrical stimulation, hot packs, aquatics, and ice to reduce the swelling are some of the tools used to better the health of your loved one.

Bone mass and density are lost as the body gets older, increasing the chances of fracturing a bone. Extension exercises are done to improve their stability and posture. To prevent osteoporosis from developing later in life, research has shown that weight-bearing exercises can help.

Pain and swelling may occur after a mastectomy or other cancer treatment. Physical therapy can help some of these side effects through the right exercises. Not every cancer patient has the same symptoms, so the physical therapist will provide exercises that will alleviate the specific ailments of each person.

Activities are used to find the muscles that control continence. A therapist will help develop a routine for the older adult in order to lessen the chances of incontinence happening.

Strokes can take a long amount of time to recover from, but with the right therapeutic services, this time can be shortened. A purposeful movement pattern can be used to retrain the brain through stimulation. Constraint therapy may also be used by constraining the “good” limb and forcing the patient to use the bad one at least 85 percent of the day. Speech problems is another common occurrence among stroke victims, which can be cured through electrical tools.

Parkinson’s disease
Physical interventions are used before stage 4 of the disease is reached in order to prevent any severe symptoms that are common in stage 4.

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia have also been known to be treated through physical therapy. The therapist often tries to incorporated movements that will remind the elder receiving senior care of their past, such as gardening or dancing.

Physical therapy has not been given the proper credit it deserves for bettering the lives of those who are suffering from chronic diseases. If your loved one is receiving physical therapy, use the month of October to show your gratitude and appreciation for these healthcare professionals.


If you or an aging loved one needs senior care services in Manhattan Beach, CA, call Livewell Private Care at (310) 933-4986.  Servicing Los Angeles, CA and the surrounding areas.

WebMD. “Physical Therapy a Boon for Seniors.”