Amazing Seniors
Autism Awareness and Inclusion
AUTISM!! What is autism? Autism disorder or autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disease that is characterized by challenges with the social community and by restricted and repetitive behavior. It is also a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. Last year the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 44 children…
Food is anything we consume that gives us nutritional value to the body. Nutrition is where an organism uses food to support its life. Dietetics is basically applying the knowledge of nutrition to the diet. During the month of March, people are invited to learn more about making better food choices and developing healthy eating…
March 2022 has always been Kidney Disease Awareness Month. This year’s theme is Kidney Health for All, which unites people worldwide to committedly work to bridge the knowledge gaps to better kidney care. The campaign will focus on efforts to increase education and awareness about kidney health and on reducing the high Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) knowledge gap…
Read MoreHigh Blood Pressure and Heart Disease
February is American Heart Month. This is set to create awareness and promote maintenance of heart health, also encourage people to focus on their cardiovascular health. According to the CDC, about 659,000 people in the United States die from Heart disease each year, that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. This year the Division for Heart…
Read MoreHealth and Physical Fitness Benefits’ to Elderly Adults.
Being healthy is not only associated with the mental and social wellbeing of an individual but also the physical fitness of oneself. Aside, from eating healthy and nutritious meals to build a healthy immune system, keeping physically fit is equally important. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as “a state…
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